Parent Information

This school year, I have set three goals for my students/classroom:
1. Every student will make significant gains in an effort to become proficient and fluent readers.
2. Every student will have the ability to problem solve and think mathematically.
3. Every student will demonstrate behaviors that foster a positive culture of learning and respect.

In order for students to reach those goals, they must understand and uphold the following rules for Room 208.

 Below I have listed the following ways in which parents can communicate with me:

Students will receive at least two grades a week. Parents may check students' grades through INow. Usernames and passwords will be sent home at the beginning of the school year.
Students in Birmingham City Schools shall follow the mandatory uniform policy. Students are required to dress in proper uniform attire. It will be the parents' responsibility to ensure compliance with the uniform policy.
Click here to view the uniform policy. 

Click Here to download a copy of the fourth grade supply list.